Game Maker 8 Enemy Ai Game

Tagged: game development, Game Maker (Video Game Engine), Game Maker Studio, GameMaker, GameMaker Tutorial, How to make games, indie games, Making Games, tutorial, Tutorial Series With: 0 Comments Chase behaviour for a platformer enemy / character. When they move left the gun will face left as it should. When the player collides with the enemy collision line on the right side, the enemy gun will point towards the player properly. When the player is on the left side of the enemy and hits the collision line, the enemy gun will sort of point towards the player but not facing the right direction. Import the TDAI.gmz into GameMaker: Studio (get it from the link at the top of the page) and run it once. As you can see, the game is not very inspired yet - all we have is an enemy that moves from one point to another in a straight line across the screen. Website this video we look at creating basic intermediate AI. This is our first look at programming something pretty coo. I believe the simplest way to do it is to simply use this line in the enemy's Step event: mppotentialstepobject (objplayer.x,objplayer.y,speed,objobstacle) That will make the enemy move toward objplayer while avoiding objobstacle, moving at speed.

Possible improvements with 8 extra weeks

A more 'engine-like' design:
Game maker 8 enemy ai games

The current build is still more 'game-like' instead of 'engine-like'. But, most of the game is coded as we are using an engine, which makes the update a easier task. For example, all sprite loading and resource configurations are written in Config.hpp, with strict formats. Also, all the game objects, including player and enemy, can be easily updated with new sprites, attributes and behaviors (like collider). (2 week)

Add A better GUI system, the engine could looked more like an application build that support a relatively complete development work. This could support managing game objects as in a file system, managing resources like sprite and configuring tile palette. (2 week)

More script supporting:

Create more possibilities for other users to write all kinds of scripts changing the game state. For example, be able to specify game ending by writing purely in scripts. (2 weeks)

Support game progress editing:

Allow player to control the engine behavior, like switching between scenes, to support game start/end coding.(1 week)

Game Maker 8 Enemy Ai Game
Support more text and image editing:

Game Maker 8 Enemy Ai Game Programming

So that users could drop more textx/images and even buttons to create their own menus. (1 week)

Possible improvements with 8 extra weeks

A more 'engine-like' design:

The current build is still more 'game-like' instead of 'engine-like'. But, most of the game is coded as we are using an engine, which makes the update a easier task. For example, all sprite loading and resource configurations are written in Config.hpp, with strict formats. Also, all the game objects, including player and enemy, can be easily updated with new sprites, attributes and behaviors (like collider). (2 week)

Add A better GUI system, the engine could looked more like an application build that support a relatively complete development work. This could support managing game objects as in a file system, managing resources like sprite and configuring tile palette. (2 week)

More script supporting:

Game Maker 8 Enemy Ai Gameplay

Create more possibilities for other users to write all kinds of scripts changing the game state. For example, be able to specify game ending by writing purely in scripts. (2 weeks)

Support game progress editing:

Allow player to control the engine behavior, like switching between scenes, to support game start/end coding.(1 week)

Game Maker 8 Enemy Ai Games

Support more text and image editing:

Gamemaker Enemy Ai

So that users could drop more textx/images and even buttons to create their own menus. (1 week)

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