Cart Life Game

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  4. Cat Life Games For Free

Mario Kart Live Home Circuit: What we just learned about Nintendo's AR racing game. Here's what we know so far about Nintendo's Mario Kart-in-real-life RC car game, coming Oct. Cart Life (Richard Hofmeier) Nuovo Award: Cart Life (Richard Hofmeier) Excellence in Visual Arts: Kentucky Route Zero (Cardboard Computer) Excellence in Audio: 140 (Jeppe Carlsen) Excellence in Design: FTL: Faster Than Light (Subset Games) Excellence in Narrative: Cart Life (Richard Hofmeier) Best Student Game: Zineth (Arcane Kids) Technical.

CardLife is an online multiplayer survival game set in a cardboard science fantasy world filled with all manner of dragons, mechs, dinosaurs, lasers, and more! Play alone or with other players and explore a fully editable, hand-crafted world, where everything is made of virtual cardboard. Retro style retail simulation game. Cart Life is an interesting retro style retail simulation game where you run a series of shops in small town Western USA. Cart Life feels like a game from the 1980s complete with blocky black and white graphics and synth soundtrack. It has a storybook format following the lives of different shop vendors. Here's the official trailer for Cart Life, an IGF finalist.

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The AGS Panel is a team of AGS forum veterans who play all of the games here, and give them ratings from one to five cups. The rating system is as follows:Cat life game on facebook
1 CupNot serious entertainment
2 CupsA reasonable game, worth a try
3 CupsA good game, worth playing
4 CupsA great game, well worth your time
5 CupsAn outstanding, must-play game!
Feel free to disagree with the panel's rating, and please don't be offended if you think your game has been underrated!
If your game has been rated 1 cup, please don't be offended! It's common for your first game release to get a 1-cup rating, due to the game having a lack of polish and flair -- which is understandable, because you're just getting started!
Please understand that the main purpose of the ratings is to help potential game players find high quality, bug-free games to play. You've probably learnt a lot about AGS as a result of making your first game -- so why not use that knowledge to start afresh, and do even better with your next game!

Cart Life

by hofmeier

Left click image or press up key to zoom in; right click image or press down key to zoom out.
Click 'X' or press ESC to close.
File size: 200 MB
Downloaded: 5,908 times
Graphics: 640x400, 16-bit color


18 May 2011
Short Game Can be completed within 30 minutes
Medium Length Game Takes at least 30 mins to finish
Full Length Game As long as a Sierra / LucasArts classic
Non-Adventure Game Using Adventure Game Studio for something else?!
Joke Game You know when it fits this category ;)
Demo Unfinished Games / Commercial Games
Training Game Games made just to try out AGS
<Category Not Set> Not yet categorised
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Frontal nudity
Occasional, mild


Public Opinion

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7 people have rated this game so far:

About this game

A retail simulation for windows. See the people who made this game and any other games they've worked on >>Cat life game multiplayer
Writing, Art, Scripting, Sound + Music
Smooth Scrolling & Parallax Scripting

AGS Awards Wins

Won, Best Non Adventure Game Created with AGS 2011

Won, Best Programming 2011

This is an amazing game, but full of bugs. The developer gave up in frustration and open-sourced the game; I made a project on github with the code and have started cleaning it up, and making it so it compiles with newer versions of AGS:
That said, the code is an incredible mess. It's no wonder bugs happened with code that was so messy. I think the original author (hofmeier, much respect) was/is a brilliant designer but very inexperienced in quality coding and software construction. If the code is cleaned up to be more according to modern standards and 'clean code' in general, I think there would be a much better possibility of fixing the bugs and making it playable.
If you are interested, there are notes in the source code and readme with some of the direction I was trying to take with it.
2014-08-08 18:51:40 by Sledgy
Dear ray: You've done something that, as far as I'm aware, nobody else has done and therefore encountered a situation that Cart Life doesn't accommodate. Let me explain: The newspapers 'expire' at midnight (because they're no longer, technically, 'today's newspaper'). Since you've taken so long to get through the tutorial, midnight has come and the newspapers can't be sold anymore, and you can't finish the tutorial. I admit, I hadn't foreseen this circumstance ever arising, and you've explored new, unseen territory: congratulations. In the meanwhile, please consider restarting the game and trying to get through Andrus' tutorial in less than six hours. I'll include a suitable fix in the next build of the game. Cheers!
i don't know, looks promising, but i cannot play it.
right at the start i am told to pick up newspapers, did that. then i am told to raise price, did that, and raised to 50 cent. get the dialogue again, ok, raised again to 55 cent, get the dialogue again, but when i go to menu, newspapers are gone and i cannot raise them. error ? i cannot pickup new newspapers on tuesday because he wants to sleep, but i cannot sleep anywhere, no option in the menu, cannot enter the newspaper stand to sleep there, and cannot enter any other buldings. game keeps telling me i should raise the price, but there is no object in the menu to raise the price, because i need the newspapers from tuesday, but can't pick them up because he wants to sleep. really getting on my nerves.. no way to play on. tried for 20 minutes now. BUGGY!
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A simple card game which helps to illuminate the many options we have when trying to decide: ‘What should I do with my life?’.

There are some 600,000 different jobs in the world. Inevitably, it can be hard to know which one might be best suited to our talents and temperament.

This card game is designed to help us determine what occupation might be most relevant to us. Each of the 52 cards details a highly distinctive and often fascinating profession with ratings for key factors to bring our ambitions into focus. The cards work together as a fun and competitive trump game that tries to help us with one of the most serious tasks we face: knowing what we might usefully do with the rest of our lives.
Professions Include:

Cart Life Game Download

  • Civil Engineer
  • Coroner
  • Zoologist
  • Dental Hygienist
  • Graphic Designer
  • Homemaker
  • Immunologist
  • Barista
  • Procurement Clerk
  • Tree Surgeon
  • Copy Editor
  • Commodity Trader

How to Use the Card Game

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Cat Life Game Online

  • Play amongst a group of friends, choosing factors with high ratings to try and trump other players.
  • Arrange the cards from least to most desirable career and notice the patterns that arise.

The design uses witty illustrations to make career choice seem playful and inviting, while retaining a deeply earnest and effective end-goal.

Cat Life Game Multiplayer

Cat Life Games For Free

52 game cards | 89mm x 126mm | Instruction card included

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