V Team Neopets

The Neopets team intended for customization to be a boon for the community, something to be excited for after “frequently and adamantly” requesting it since the site launched. Dmitri I think has made one of the most useful not breaking the neopets rules programs, he in a way did win neopets -I can bike down to Circle K for a slushie and count it for P.E. Summer school is so much better than in-year! Altador Cup Souvenir - This is the official type for this item on Neopets. Neocash Item - This item was either sold in the NC Mall, obtained from an NC event, or came from another NC item. Wearable - This item can be worn by Neopets.

  1. V Team Neopets List
  2. V Team Neopets Map
NeopetsI have been waiting all month for Altador Cup V to begin. I have not been on Neopets much in the past few months, but I totally look forward to playing the Altador Cup games this year. I might not have as much time as last year because I will not have all the time on the road to play and I just started a full time nanny job, but the time I do have should be better quality than last year because I the Internet will not come in and out like it did on the road last summer.

V Team Neopets List

V Team Neopets Map

NeopetsV Team NeopetsAs usual I am a loyal Terror Mountain supporter. For joining the team I got an Altador Cup Background - Terror Moutain I just love ice, snow, and Antarctica and Terror Mountain is as close as it comes to that in the Neopian world. For signing up I got three prizes for 3 years of dedicated play (I missed the 2nd Altador Cup). My prizes were Altador Cup Through the Ages, Altador Cup Colosseum Archway, and Altador Cup Colosseum Interior Background.
NeopetsTeamWhich team are you supporting this year?

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