Error Loading Add-ins Word 2016

This guide applies to the following error Excel Desktop users may see when trying to install the Supermetrics for Excel add-on:

ADD_IN ERROR We can't load this add-in because we couldn't connect to the catalog

  1. I have created an Web Add-ins project for Word using Visual Studio. I have Office 2016 Professional Plus installed on my system. When I try to launch the application using F5. Everything works, but.
  2. From the list of add-ins, select Solver add-in Click Ok Apart from this, users are also encountering some errors in the Excel solver and one of the common errors is SOLVER.xlam.
  3. To get new add-ins, select Store. To use add-ins you already have, select My Add-ins. The add-ins you'll see will depend on the app you're using and the kind of Microsoft 365 subscription you have. Office for Mac doesn't currently support organization-based add-ins.
Error Loading Add-ins Word 2016

At times your users might encounter issues with Office Add-ins that you develop. For example, an add-in fails to load or is inaccessible. Use the information in this article to help resolve common issues that your users encounter with your Office Add-in. You can also use Fiddler to identify and debug issues with your add-ins. Restart Microsoft Word and sign in again. Open the Insert menu and click Get Add-ins or Store. Type Grammarly in the search field and press Enter. Click Add next to the listing for Grammarly for Microsoft Word.

This error means that your local Excel instance cannot reach the Microsoft app catalog to get the add-in details. Basically, your local machine cannot 'talk' to the app catalog for some reason. This may be for a variety of reasons:

  • No internet connection
  • Blocked by firewall
  • Access disabled by security policy
  • Add-in installation disabled by administrator for Office applications
Error loading add-ins word 2016

Please reach out to your IT team or system administrator for further assistance, to make sure you have the rights to install add-ins for Excel/Office and there's no network or security policies blocking you.

Other Resources

See the last response in this thread for things to test:

Error Loading Add-ins Word 2016 File

Common error 'Catalog could not be reached' explanation:

Error Loading Add-ins Word 2016

You may get “Error loading add-in” while trying to install SmartCite in Microsoft Word 2016+ from the Store. This is due to an authentication issue, but not to worry - it's an easy fix! To get this solved, you need to log-out of Microsoft and log back in again. We've outlined the steps below:

Microsoft Word Error Loading Add Ins


Error Loading Add-ins Word 2016 Download

  1. Sign out of Microsoft Word by clicking Word > Sign Out…
  2. Restart Microsoft Word and sign in again.
  3. Open the INSERT menu and click 'Get Add-ins or Store.
  4. Type SmartCite in the search field and press Enter.
  5. Click Add next to the listing
  6. Then, please find the SmartCite within the Reference Tab (far right side) and click to open.

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