Construct 3 Eado

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The Ugandan Government has earmarked over 3 billionshillings into the construction of Lango Complex building.
The 3. 5billion project will include an administrationblock, a Cultural Center and a Palace for the Cultural Institution. The 18-monthproject has been a long outstanding pledge by President YoweriKaguta Museveni to the administration of Lango Cultural Foundation.
In July 2015, President Museveni halted the proposedconstruction to allow the Lango Cultural leaders to resolve a leadershipdispute. Although, a year later, Hon. Grace Freedom Kwiyocwiny, the Minister incharge of Northern Uganda disclosed that government was ready to start theconstruction work.
Back then, the Minister said the construction work tobe done in phases would be funded under Peace, Recovery and DevelopmentPlan-PRDP at a cost of 4.5 billion shillings.
However, on February 20, 2021 Kwiyocwiny while attending the ground breaking ceremony disclosed that government hasear-marked 3.5B shillings for the work. This will be done with support from theOffice of the Prime Minister- OPM.
Kwiyocwiny explained that the construction that is nowbeing undertaken by CMD Investment Limited had stalled for many years due to anumber of challenges including cultural institutional conflicts.
//Cue in: “We have moved…
Cue out: … to support together.”
“And this is because the history of support to culturalinstitution started with the Acholi cultural leaders where the presidentbrought them home from displacement camps and constructed for them homes. Whenit came to Lango it was different because of their tradition how they get theirchiefs; it is not hereditary, it became complicated.” She said.
Adding that “After a long discussion, we agreed thatlet’s make something which brings all of us together and that is why thecultural center and the Administration block came about.”
She further explained that the center should not onlybe used to promoting cultural norms and beliefs but skills as well.
//Cue in: “For me this…
Cue out: … also new innovations.”//
Meanwhile, Jacob Oulanyah, the Deputy Speaker ofParliament who represented the president at the function warned theleadership of Lango Cultural institution against conflicts.
Luo byte:
//Ce in: “Ka tye jo…
Cue out: … rocco tekwaro.”//
“If there is any tribe in the country that has losttheir culture is Lango.I was expecting the Lango tradition dance like ikoce, otule onyo myel tong. Dear paramountchief, I think the biggest responsibility of this center being constructed isfor reviving the Lango Traditional culture.”
Eng. James Ajal, the Prime Minister Lango Cultural foundation said he is very excited about the project. Ajal explained that with the construction workin progress, the cultural institution will be able to implement their 5-year developmentplan.
He also seized the opportunity to remind the ministerabout a pledge towards the institution’s office operation saying it’s abouttime the pledge is fulfilled.
//Cue in: “In earlier engagement…
Cue out: … make institution better.”//

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