Cannot Start The Source Application For This Object Excel

Cannot start the source application for this object embedded excel 2010

  1. Trying to insert rows or insert columns in an Excel workshe.
  2. Might be it is not abel to open the Source application. First open word & Acrobat reader and try to click on excel objects. Now objects will open surely.

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Cannot Start The Source Application For This Object Excel

I have an Excel workbook in which, among other objects, I want to embed a couple of PowerPoint presentation templates which I want users to be able to edit for their own uses. I used the Insert>Object>From File method and installed with the 'display as icon' choice. I get the icon and test it. It opens PowerPoint and the presentation perfectly multiple times. When I save the workbook and re-enter it, I get a 'cannot start source application' message on all of the icons. I don't get that with Word objects embedded in the same manner.
Please help,
Thank you,
Charlie Carroll

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