Atom Inspector

Atom 1.0 was released in May 2014, as a fully fledged text editor for modern needs. In May 2016, the team behind Atom released some pretty impressive statistics. With overall, 15.9 million downloads and 1.1 million monthly users, it can be said that Atom has gained worldwide attention. From Next of Kin in 1984, through Exotica and The Sweet Hereafter in the 1990s to Remember in 2015, Egoyan’s work is dense with people hiding things, then being ambushed by them. Mechanism Inspector: Investigate Organic Reaction Mechanisms. Organic reaction mechanisms are a core component of organic chemistry for students aged 16 to 19, covered in A-levels, Scottish Highers and International Baccalaureate, and in all undergraduate chemistry courses.

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All publicly available merged data sets from the ATom-1 (Jul-Aug 2016), ATom-2 (Jan-Feb 2017), ATom-3 (Sep-Oct 2017), and ATom-4 (Apr-May 2018) campaigns can be downloaded directly from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory DAAC at
All ATom Publications to date can be found at
AtomThe Atmospheric Tomography Mission (ATom) will study the impact of human-produced air pollution on greenhouse gases and on chemically reactive gases in the atmosphere. Reductions of atmospheric concentrations of methane (CH4Atom Inspector), tropospheric ozone (O3) and black carbon (BC) aerosols are effective measures to slow global warming and to improve air quality. Airborne instruments will look at how atmospheric chemistry is transformed by various air pollutants and at the impact on CH4 and O3. Mitigation of these short-lived climate forcers is a major component of current international policy discussions.Atom Inspector

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ATom deploys an extensive gas and aerosol payload on the NASA DC-8 aircraft for systematic, global-scale sampling of the atmosphere, profiling continuously from 0.2 to 12 km altitude. Flights will occur in each of 4 seasons over a 4-year period. They will originate from the Armstrong Flight Research Center in Palmdale, California, fly north to the western Arctic, south to the South Pacific, east to the Atlantic, north to Greenland, and return to California across central North America. ATom establishes a single, contiguous global-scale data set. This comprehensive data set will be used to improve the representation of chemically reactive gases and short-lived climate forcers in global models of atmospheric chemistry and climate. Profiles of the reactive gases will also provide critical information for validation of satellite data, particularly in remote areas where in situ data is lacking.
ATom’s tomographic, large-scale sampling combined with parcel-by-parcel quantification of photochemical tendencies provides a strong response to the 2011 NASA Strategic Plan to Advance Earth System Science: meeting the challenges of climate and environmental change

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on a global scale.

ATom improves predictions of human-caused and natural changes in climate forcing and air quality over the entire globe, engaging the science Focus Areas: Atmospheric Composition (primary); Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems (role of CH4), and Climate Variability and Change (radiative forcing of CH4 and O3).

Principal Investigator: Steven Wofsy (Harvard University)Atom inspector mac
Project Manager: Dave Jordan (NASA ARC)
EVS-2 Mission Manager: Jennifer Olson (NASA LaRC)

Collins works as an extension of our client providing subject matter expertise in the development and implementation of an infrastructure asset management program that provides:

  • Extension of the service life of assets
  • Reduction in costs for restoration
  • Reduction in negative impacts on public

Collins has partnered with SADA Systems, a leading technology consulting firm transforming organizations through innovative cloud-based solutions, in the development of Atom, an in-depth solution to managing assets, resources, data, and analytics in an easy-to-use application.

Atom alleviates the problems of time-consuming paper-based processes, siloed systems’ data, and lack of information that result in wasted time, money, and resources. Atom provides complete asset life-cycle analysis and automates processes to simplify workflows and improve overall efficiency. For more information, visit the Atom website(, or contact Jeremy Koonce, P.E., S.E. at 312.236.5807 /

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