Adobe Connect Countdown Timer

Upload that SWF file to a Share pod in Adobe Connect. Place that Share pod where ever you would like in your Meeting. Using the pod is just a matter of using the buttons on the interface to set the time and start the timer. Only Hosts and Presenters can set the timer and start or stop it. So get it right - with our new Cash Clock! Interval Timer - Make your own routines, and save them! Metronome - Keep the beat with our easy to use Metronome! Stay On Top App - Download a Stopwatch and Countdown timer that stays on top of all open windows. Make Your Own Timer! - Make your own custom countdown timer or ticker until any date!

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  • » Countdown Timer and Randomizer for Adobe Connect 11

#12020-12-23 14:32:42

Countdown Timer and Randomizer for Adobe Connect 11

Where can I get a countdown timer pod app, and a randomizer pod app (that picks names from the Attendees pod) that will work with Adobe Connect 11? The ones I have are Flash.

#22020-12-23 15:10:50

Re: Countdown Timer and Randomizer for Adobe Connect 11

All the pods are here:

Any pod that says Yes for Compatible with HTML will work in Adobe Connect 11 Standard View.

Countdown timer:


#32021-04-23 08:25:43


Re: Countdown Timer and Randomizer for Adobe Connect 11

Except it doesn't...
At least in my case, trying to upload the file from the countdown timer into a share pod gives me an unspecified error. (I tried uploading the zip and the swf.)
I have been using the timer with the previous Adobe Connect version for some time now, but after the update I just get this error.

Edit: In one of my old rooms (now transformed to standard view) the timer still works! What could be the problem with the new room and why can't I upload it (tried redownloading, doesn't help).

Last edited by Earisu (2021-04-23 08:30:38)

#42021-04-23 12:41:38

Countdown timer in adobe connect

Re: Countdown Timer and Randomizer for Adobe Connect 11

Countdown Timer For Adobe Connect

You should only upload the Zip. The SWF is the Flash version lingering for Classic mode support but even that won't work without the supporting files in the Zip.


You may want to go to the following in Connect Central; Administration > Compliance and Control > HTML Client Settings. Make sure the Enable Custom Pods box is checked. If it is not, that would explain the pod not loading.

#52021-04-26 05:26:07

Re: Countdown Timer and Randomizer for Adobe Connect 11

Thank you. Sadly I don't have administration access (office account).

The zip doesn't work (unspecified error). The strange thing is, that I used the same zip before and it still works in the rooms, where I uploaded them before the update. However, when I try to start another countdown-pod in the same meetingroom using the same file, I get an error -_-.

Reinstall of Connect, trying classic view etc. didn't chance anything.

Countdown Timer In Adobe Connect

#62021-05-04 14:12:56

Re: Countdown Timer and Randomizer for Adobe Connect 11

Not sure if this will help, but I would download the ZIP again from the apps page ( Try uploading them to your content library, then choosing to share a Document from your room and navigating to the content library to see if that makes any difference.

Adobe Connect Countdown Timer

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  • » Countdown Timer and Randomizer for Adobe Connect 11

Adobe Connect Countdown Timer

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