A Entire Website

This tool does not check the following:
  • Words that have a capital letter in them
  • Words with numbers or special characters in them.

Because of the resources this tool uses, we limit this tool to only 5 runs per day, per user. If you would like to use this tool more than 5 times, please bookmark this page and come back after 24 hours.

Spell check website content

Entire Website

Since early in 2011, Google has implemented numerous, significant changes to its PageRank algorithm that reward excellent content on webpages with higher rankings in the search engine results pages (SERPs) at the expense of pages with weak, thin or poor-quality content.

Translating an entire website with Google translate. You might have found yourself looking for certain information on the internet but to your surprise the website having such relevant information is in a foreign language. What comes to your mind most is how to get the information in the language of your heart i.e. Your native language. The latest version of the APA Publication Manual changes substantially the way that websites and web pages are cited. Here is what you should do to create a proper citation. If you are citing an entire website, provide the address of the site within the text of your paper.

One of the consistent hallmarks of poor quality webpage content is misspellings and typographical errors. If the written text content is poorly developed and inadequate to the task of conveying meaningful and useful information to human readers, it has inherently little value. It will likely never be regarded as expert content, not earn valuable backlinks, and users will likely not stay long on the page (and bounce rate is a site value factor for ranking pages in search). All of that is reflected in search rankings.


Not all pages with one or two typos are junk, and not all junk pages are littered with misspellings. However, the correlation between poor quality text content and minimal value to users is high, and numerous, sloppy spelling errors are often indicative of low-value content. To help optimize the value of your text content to human readers, and thus to search engines, ensure it is well-written, clear in its objective, uses proper grammar, and is free from misspellings. Not only can typos diminish the perceived value of your content, if your important keywords are misspelled, you can also miss out on creating valuable keyword relevance opportunities.

Spellcheck a page or an entire website

To help optimize the quality of the text content on your webpages, you need a tool that can spell check online. That tool is the Free Online Spell Check Tool, another free search engine optimization (SEO) tool from Internet Marketing Ninjas. To run our online spell check tool on the content on your website, type or paste the URL of your website’s home page in the text box, select the number of URLs you want the tool crawler to scan, and then click Ninja Check.


  • Running a spelling check on numerous webpages takes time to complete. The greater number of pages there are to scan, and the more text there is per page to scan, the more time it takes to complete the report. Please be patient as the free spellcheck tool completes the job.
  • The tool only scans text displayed on the page, not text in metadata tags, such as <title>, <meta> description, or <img> alt tags, nor text in images, Flash or Silverlight content.

Once the online spellchecker tool has completed the scan, it displays a tabular report listing each URL scanned and the number of possible misspellings found on each page. Click on the linked number of misspellings detected to open a new report window customized for the scanned URL. All of the text in the page is shown in the report, and words not found in our dictionary will be flagged as red text to help you easily find them in the context in which they were used.


Entire Website In Svg

Misspelled word list

At the end of the spellcheck page report, the list of misspelled words found in the page is shown. Review the Word List section to see if any of the terms found are actual misspellings as opposed to custom user name handles, website domain names, or other unique terms specific to your site.

Use the data resulting from this tool to improve the quality of your site’s content pages. Your readers, and the search engines, will appreciate the improvements!

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Internet Marketing Ninjas is pleased to offer this free tool to SEOs and webmasters. Be sure to check out the other valuable SEO tools available online.

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